Renewable Albury Wodonga Energy (RAW Energy) and Beyond Housing

This was project was one of the first of its kind. A partnership between a community energy group (RAW Energy) and a social housing organisation (Beyond Housing). The aim of this project was to install 10 x 4kw systems on social housing homes in Wodonga to have a direct positive impact on peoples living expenses. And to allow real time monitoring where the tenants could track their usage and production and move their energy use to take advantage of solar production.

Wodonga has one of the highest disconnection rates for electricity in all of Victoria. This project will be turned in to a case study in 2020 so it can been seen and measured as to the impact made not only on the cost of living for these tenants but their lifestyles.

For this project we used Trina solar panels with Fronius inverters and Mondo Power UBI’s for real time monitoring.