Why should I go solar & battery?

Great Returns year after year

Australia with its sunny climate gives us one of the best opportunities in the world to make cheap electricity using the sun’s energy.

A solar power system offers a triple benefit by enhancing your financial savings, increasing the value of your property and minimising your household/business’s environmental impact.

On average, a quality solar power system can provide a return on investment within 3 to 5 years. With a quality solar power system’s longevity spanning decades, it becomes feasible to achieve a remarkable 20% to 30% return on your initial investment.

This establishes solar energy as one of the most lucrative financial investment options available today.

A standard solar system comprises two essential components: solar panels and the inverter. At Solar Integrity, we typically install high-quality, energy-efficient panels such as REC and Trina and top of the class inverters such as Fronius and Solar Edge to maximise your solar power system’s performance.


Increase in Property Value

Albury-Wodonga homebuyers are looking for many features in a property, including energy efficiency and lower running costs via solar power.

Buyers have realised that quality solar can produce a solid return, day after day, year after year leading to an increase in the value of properties with well-designed, good looking solar systems.

It is important to not just slap the panels onto the roof any which way, but to design the home’s solar system with good looking panels in an unobtrusive way whilst meeting the required Standards. That way the aesthetics of the home has not been compromised.

Surveys have shown that homes with solar panel systems sell at a higher price than similar homes without them. By installing solar, you are adding a new benefit to your home, just like an energy-efficient air-conditioning system or an outdoor pool.

A PV system from Solar Integrity will save you money and add benefits, desirability, and more value to your home or business.

Reduce Power Bills

Residents in Albury-Wodonga are feeling the pinch of rising electricity prices, with bills often increasing at double or triple the current inflation rate. This is a major concern for many households, especially those on low and middle incomes.

Solar power is one clear path for home owners to improve their financial balance sheet. No longer is one prone to bill shock when the electricity bills arrive, because solar  & batteries will reduce bills by a large amount.

By reducing your reliance on the energy retailer, you take back some of the control of your financial energy future. Back into your own hands by reducing your reliance on the grid.

With a well-designed solar & battery system from Solar Integrity, a large part of your daily electricity consumption can be covered by renewable energy generated on your own roof.

In addition to solar power, there are a number of other products like heat pumps for hot water that Albury-Wodonga residents can install with the help of Solar Integrity and reduce their energy consumption to save even more on your future energy bills.


Become Energy Independent NOW!

We take pride in partnering with you to help you achieve the level of energy independence you desire. It’s not just about generating electricity; it’s about understanding how you consume it.

Our experienced team analyses not only what is using your energy but also when it is being used.

By doing so, we can make recommendations and design a solar system that perfectly suits your unique energy consumption patterns.

One common misconception is that solar solutions are one-size-fits-all.

The truth is that every household has its own energy habits and needs.

We understand this, and that’s why we don’t believe in a cookie-cutter approach.

We work closely with you to ensure that the equipment we recommend aligns perfectly with your installation.

The future of electrification

We recognise that the journey of solar and renewable energy in Australia is still in its early stages.

However, we are confidently heading towards a future where 100% renewable energy powers our homes and communities. Imagine a world where our homes are fully automated, seamlessly integrating energy efficiency with everyday living, and our streets are filled with electric vehicles, reducing our carbon footprint.

Our commitment to this vision drives us to innovate and lead in the renewable energy sector, ensuring that we are not just part of the change, but at the forefront of it.


Now the importance of going with a quality solar system

So, you’re considering making the switch to solar energy in the vibrant region of Albury-Wodonga?

Before you embark on this sustainable journey, it’s crucial to understand the critical factors that influence the effectiveness and longevity of your solar system. The temptation of low-cost alternatives can be alluring, but the adage “you pay for what you get” rings especially true in the realm of solar technology.

Read more on how much should you pay and why you should choose a quality solar system that will benefit long term.

How much should you pay?

Our Quality Residential Home Solar Packages

Quality equipment is one thing, but it's the quality installation with a trusted local installer that guarantee a piece of mind


Ideal for small families
  • REC SOLAR PANELS (25yr warranty)
  • Fronius Inverter
  • Clenergy pitched roof solar mounting
  • Available on finance
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Ideal for growing families
  • REC SOLAR PANELS (25yr warranty)
  • Solar Edge Inverter
  • Clenergy pitched roof solar mounting
  • Available on finance
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Ideal for large families
  • REC SOLAR PANELS (25yr warranty)
  • Fronius inverter
  • Clenergy pitched roof solar mounting
  • Available on finance
Get a free quote
*Pricing may vary based on factors such as installation complexity, equipment specifications, and other project-specific requirements. Please consult with our team for a personalized quote tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.
10 Top tips to get a great solar and battery solution

How to get a great solar solution, Free E-book

10 Top Tips to Get a Great Solar and Battery Solution

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