Indigo Power & NECEN Regional Hot Water Bulk Buy

Resistive (traditional) electric hot water systems are a huge drain on our electricity network, particularly in rural and regional towns. They also put a great deal of strain on hip pocket. Hot water is the biggest cost on peoples electricity bills. They also have an impact as to how solar power systems are able to feed power back into the network.

We know through our micro grid projects with Totally Renewable Yackandandah and Mondo Power the positive impact that installing more efficient hot water systems can make. That’s why in 2019 we partnered with Indigo Power and 9 volunteer community energy groups that form the North East Community Energy Network to do an Australian first – a Regional Hot Water Bulk Buy, using only the best products on the market – Reclaim Energy Heat Pumps and Apricus Australia Solar Hot Water Units.

We started this project in July 2019 and continued through to 2020 with installations. We have been successful in installing approximately 80 systems across the region. Across towns such as Beechworth, Benalla, Bright, King Valley, Mansfield, Mt Beauty, Rutherglen, Tawonga, , Wangaratta, Wodonga, Yackandandah.

See the graph below , out with the old and in with the new – the first 5 days of consumption graph show the old electric hot water system. The last 2 days show electricity use with new Reclaim Heat Pump being installed. This customer can now power her hot water system by solar using her control devices, and her electricity bill has reduced as well.