10 Community Buildings in Yackandandah – TRY & Mondo Power

Another grand step towards 100% renewable energy was made by Totally Renewable Yackandandah.

This Project saw 10 community buildings getting solar and 3 also had a battery added. Most of these buildings will be generating excess solar electricity during the day and feeding it back into the community grid to be used elsewhere.

Those with batteries will be able to draw down on the battery at night, or in the case of an emergency or power failure these buildings will be able to continue to operate to varying degrees.

One of the buildings is the Yackandandah Country Fire Brigade. What a shining example to be able to operate in the event of an emergency and know that if the power fails you will still be able to remain safe. It is our dream to see this style of system installed on all emergency service buildings.

For this project we used a combination of LG and Trina solar panels all accompanied with a Fronius inverter and Mondo Power UBI, and for those systems that had an added battery we uses an LG Energy Solutions battery.